Wednesday, October 24, 2007

On the road...

Here goes nothin'...

Thanks to Rick & Lisa and Tom & Heidi for pioneering the the whole blog concept for the extended Hasleton Family. It looks like a great way to keep connected.

It is hard to believe I have been on the road for more than 6 months. While on the phone the other night, Janna pointed out that I have missed half of Allison's life so far. I miss being with my family. When I am home, Ally won't let me put her down for, at least, the first few hours. I am just happy that at least she still remembers me...

I can't wait to get the family moved out here so we can be together again. The kids are obviously very sad not to have me around...

But the hardest thing is knowing that Janna has the weight of the world on her shoulders. I really don't know how she does it. I am truly amazed each day by how strong she is. I am humbled by what an awesome mother she is, and am totally amazed by how lucky I am. In her case, beauty is much more than skin deep.

In the end, we know that we have been continually blessed. We pray for patience and faith enough to continue to rely on the LORD to take care of us.

The coming season is our favorite time of the year. Here's hoping it is a wonderful time for you and yours...


1 comment:

Rick said...

Dan, glad to have you aboard! That was pretty quick too. Just teach Janna how to create a user and post, and she can keep up on the home front too.