Before we go any further, please take a moment to visit Tommy's blog at http://www.prayfortommy.blogspot.com/. Our nephew, Tommy Hasleton, has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He is a very tough little 4 year old, who we love a ton. We know he is on track to make a swift and complete recovery, but we would appreciate your thoughts and prayers on his behalf. WE LOVE YOU, TOMMY!!!
As we move into the holiday season, we reflect with gratitude on our Savior's birth, His life, and the rich blessings He gives us. The Savior devoted His life to helping and blessing the lives of others. Let us each use this season of joy and hope to dedicate ourselves to following our Savior's example, and do our part to spread joy and love to our fellowmen. We, as a family, have been very blessed this year. We have a job, we are all healthy and well, and we have a warm house to live in.
This time of year always makes us think of family gatherings, spending time next to the fireplace, Christmas carols, and seeing the beautiful lights and decorations. The snow is deep and the weather outside is cold, but the love we feel in our home warms our hearts. We wish you were here with us.
May each of you enjoy time with family and friends this holiday season.
Merry Christmas!!